Dasho Sonam Tobden Rabgye comes from a family of diplomats. His grandfather was Bhutan’s Representative in Lhasa, Tibet while his father served as Bhutan’s envoy in Toey-Gangri a small Bhutanese enclave in south- western Tibet. During his first posting to the Permanent Mission of Bhutan to the UN in New York in 1985 he served as Officiating Head of Mission for about 2 years, which was a challenge and a big opportunity for a young officer.

In 1990 he set up the first Press unit at the Royal Bhutanese Embassy in New Delhi and was the Spokesperson for seven years. After the tenure in Delhi he was promoted as Ambassador to Kuwait and Bahrain. Subsequently, he also served as Resident Ambassador to the UN Mission in Geneva, Belgium, the European Union HQ in Brussels and Bangladesh. In retirement Ambassador Tobden is an active Board Member of Indo- Bhutan Foundation, Royal Society for Senior Citizens and Center for Research on Bhutanese society. He is a theater enthusiast, enjoys reading and promotes healthy and balanced living.