Dawa’s inspiring journey exemplifies a remarkable fusion of government service, media development, entrepreneurship, philanthropy, and international advocacy, leaving an indelible mark on Bhutan and the world.

Starting with the Royal Government of Bhutan after being selected through the Civil Service Examination in 2002, Dawa played a pivotal role in establishing the Department of Information and Media. His tenure was marked by significant contributions to public service, policy development, and governance. As the second Executive Director of the Bhutan Media Foundation (2013-2017), Dawa dedicated himself to advancing Bhutan’s media landscape, fostering journalistic excellence, and promoting open discourse. Since January 2018, Dawa has ventured into the private sector to boost Bhutan’s economic prosperity, stimulating job creation, nurturing young talent, and fostering entrepreneurship. He also served on the COVID-19 Task Force for Sarpang Dzongkhag, playing a crucial role during the pandemic.

An active member of the Rotary Club of Thimphu, Dawa participates in community service projects and charitable activities, embodying the motto “Service Above Self.” As a Board Director of the Bhutan Cancer Society, he champions cancer prevention, awareness, and support for patients and their families. From 2017-2023, Dawa served as Vice President of the International Buddhist Confederation, promoting Buddhist values and global harmony. Appointed as the General Secretary for the Bhutan-India Friendship Association, Gelephu Chapter, in April 2023, Dawa actively promotes Bhutan-India relations, contributing to regional harmony. Dawa’s multifaceted career reflects leadership, adaptability, and compassion, inspiring others to positively impact their communities and beyond.