Nima Tshering owns an art gallery called Goldom Creatives in Thimphu. He enjoys exploring the possibilties that art has to offer. He believes that creative people should have the freedom to fail when exploring creative possibilities.

He is from Zhiwaling, Tashicholing, Samtse. He studied in Punakha Central School, Sherubtse College, and the erstwhile National Institute of Education, Samtse. He worked as a school teacher, and in the area of school education, from 1996 till 2019.

As a Japanese government (Monbukagakusho) scholar, Nima studied at the Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts. He is a recipient of the university’s Masao Yamamoto Award.

At Goldom Creatives, art works by local Bhutanese artists ( and also works by people who have connections to Bhutan ) are displayed for sale. Nima believes that artists should have access to appropriate spaces for people to see their creations. Artists should be compensated fairly for the skill and time invested in their works of art. With the support of artists and art lovers, Goldom Creatives shall continuously aspire to grow as a space for artists to present their creations to the visitors.

Nima has been living in Paro since 2002.