Ruchi Shah is a book illustrator/wall artist. She is an alumnus of University of the Arts, London and IDC, IIT Bombay. She received the Charles Wallace Scholarship in 2012 through the British Council. After working in Yahoo as a senior designer, she quit in 2010 to work independently. She has illustrated more than 30 books, some which have been published multilingually. Some of her works include “Our Incredible Cow”, “A Book is a Bee”, “I am so much more” and “Travelling Patterns”.

She also facilitates art workshops across different regions of India and Uganda. She received the British Council‘s Social Impact Award in 2018. Apart from book illustrations created for Tulika Books, Harper Collins, Pickle Yolk Books, Pratham Books and Tara Books, Ruchi is also a muralist who has designed spaces for organizations such as Amazon, Quint-Bloomberg, Condé Nast and Freshworks. Her art explores places, spaces, materials and stories of everyday life. She creates images through printmaking, book-binding, murals, collage, assemblage and installation art.