Thukten Yeshi is a filmmaker and novelist with a master’s degree in film writing and directing and a bachelor’s degree in English literature. He started his career in media research and television before moving into film and fiction.

His love for and interest in film and fiction, both as a creator and consumer, are centred on mainstream stories. Therefore, he places significant importance on the art and craft intrinsic to mainstream storytelling.

Notably, this emphasis on art and craft extends to incorporating elements of tantric Buddhism that influence the trajectory of the characters’ lives or affect the storyworld in some other ways into the toolkit of storytelling, so that the narrative form employed to tell the story is able to portray the depths of the Himalayan Buddhist storyworld.

Hailing from Dechheling in southeast Bhutan, he completed his undergraduate studies in the country and pursued his postgraduate education in Australia. He currently lives in Thimphu with his wife and two children.